A Podcast-Blog-Photos Website on Concert Reviews, Interviews, & Music Discussions
Posted on 12/11/2013

John Mayer In Concert - Nashville, TN (Photo by www.examiner.com)
John Mayer returned to Nashville, TN on Wednesday December 4th, 2013 for another performance with speical guests, Philip Phillips. Although Concert Blast wasn’t invited this time to review his concert, one of our guest bloggers attended the show and was kind enough to provide Concert Blast readers with her thoughts on these performances. Enjoy the John Mayer / Phillip Phillips concert review by guest blogger Terri Gibson.
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Posted on 11/03/2013

Vintage Trouble in Concert - Nashville, TN 10/18/2013
Vintage Trouble headlined the first annual Marathon Music Village Festival and Concert Blast was on hand to cover the fun activities. This one day festival on the cool October Friday night in Nashville, TN included various food trucks, multiple bands, plenty of merchandise booths, lots of beer, and a Bar-B-Que buffet for the VIP patrons. Concert Blast was given all access passes, which surprised us because we had full access to go anywhere we wanted… and we loved it! Enjoy the Vintage Trouble photos taken by Brian Hasbrook.
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Posted on 11/1/13

Vintage Trouble In Concert - Nashville, TN 10/18/2013
It was a cool October Friday night in Nashville, TN as the first annual Marathon Music Village Festival hosted the Los Angeles based, energetic rock/soul band, Vintage Trouble. Concert Blast was on site to produce another audio podcast concert review on this fun evening. “Troublemakers” (the nickname of their fan base) came in from different parts of the country and we met one fan from France. Mike Arnold, Brian Hasbrook, and Tom Thompson were back together again for this evening of fun. Enjoy the podcast!
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Posted 10/22/2013

Concert Blast at Rendezvous - Memphis, TN
Concert Blast hosts Mike Arnold, Brian Hasbrook, and Tom Thompson take you on a journey of their day before they attend Day 2 of the 2013 Memphis In May Beale Street Music Festival. This webisode begins with one of our sponsors, Rendezvous, then we walk over to the historic Peabody Hotel, and before we head to the festival we stop at Gibson’s Donuts! Having a great time before the music starts! Special thanks to Steve Shattuck for his video camera work. Enjoy our 6th Concert Blast Webisode.
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Posted on 10/7/2013

Brian Milson Interview with Concert Blast's Mike Arnold
Country singer/songwriter Brian Milson from Odessa, TX was in Nashville recently and stopped by to see Concert Blast while on his media circuit of his anti-bullying campaign while promoting his song, “Nothing Grows In Shadows”. This song not only touches hearts, but the lyrics and melody reaches into a person’s chest and rips out the entire heart! Not only is the song very touching, but the video of this emotional tune puts the song over the top. Mike Arnold of Concert Blast sits with the singer of this future hit, Brian Milson, to discuss the song, the video, and his career. This is a special audio and video interview podcast… ENJOY!
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Posted on 8/22/2013

Vintage Trouble with Concert Blast
During the Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis, TN, Concert Blast had the opportunity to interview one of their favorite new bands, Vintage Trouble. Mike received a text and a phone call from the VP over the Memphis in May media to tell us we were approved for an interview with the guys after their performance. Which was a good thing since we were up against the stage barrier ready to enjoy their show. We accepted the invitation and met three of the four guys from Vintage Trouble in their back stage trailer to discuss several topics. During the festival our audio recorder went out so we had to rely on our video. We videoed the interview and used the audio for the podcast, but also have the video here through our Concert Blast You Tube Channel. Here’s the interview with Mike and Tom leading the discussion with Ty Taylor (lead singer), Richard Danielson (drums), and Nalle Colt (guitar) joins the conversation later. Bassist Rick Barrio Dill had to leave to catch a flight at the airport as soon as they left the stage. ENJOY!
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Posted on 8/19/2013

Laura Wilde with Mike Arnold and Tom Thompson of Concert Blast
It was time for Concert Blast to visit the Ryman Auditorium again in Nashville, TN. This time it was a pre-sound check interview with the twenty-three year old blonde beauty guitar slinger from Australia, Laura Wilde. Laura was in Nashville as the opening act on the Ted Nugent tour. Although Laura is only twenty-three, her rock and roll musical tastes and knowledge goes way back. Laura can carry on a conversation as if she grew up in the 1970s like the hosts of Concert Blast did. Tom Thompson and Mike Arnold arrived early to the concert to head backstage to Laura’s band dressing room to conduct this fun interview. Enjoy this conversation along with a few song clips from Laura Wilde’s current CD, “Sold My Soul”.
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Posted on 8/15/2013

Ted Nugent In Concert - Nashville, TN Ryman Auditorium 7/28/2013
The Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent, returned to one of his favorite cities to rock, Nashville, TN, to perform his show at the mother church of country music, The Ryman Auditorium. It’s ironic to say the word “Church” and Ted Nugent in the same sentence! Ted Nugent didn’t calm down his profanity filled concert while performing in one of Nashville’s first churches. If he did calm it down, then I wouldn’t want to see the normal performance! Concert Blast was invited to this performance to cover the Motor City Madmouth… uh… I mean Madman and we were excited. The main things we were excited about was seeing one of our favorite rock singers, Derek St. Holmes, perform the songs he helped made famous in front of a large excited crowd, and to interview the opening act, the young rock beauty from Australia, Laura Wilde. Enjoy the concert review from Mike Arnold.
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Posted on 8/14/2013

The Monkees In Concert - Nashville, TN
Concert Blast was invited to cover The Monkees in concert as they returned to Nashville, TN to perform at the historic Ryman Auditorium. With The Monkees touring without Davy Jones, many fans were wondering how good could it be. Other devoted fans of Davy Jones can’t imagine seeing them in concert without the main front man. Mike Arnold was available to capture this event and he’s glad he went. Not only did the artists make this event a fun show, the enthusiasm of those in attendance added to the atmosphere to bring this party to life! Enjoy Mike Arnold’s concert review as he steps through every song on the set list!
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Posted on 8/10/2013

It was another music filled July night in Nashville, TN as new artist Bree performed in the historic Cannery at The Mercy Lounge. Bree recently did a media blitz to push her album debut, “All American Girl”. This show wasn’t necessarily a show for the media, but a show for her friends as she celebrated her birthday, which is why Concert Blast wanted to be a part of it. Mike Arnold covered this concert review by himself due to Brian Hasbrook being on vacation and Tom Thompson having a last minute family emergency. Mike started the podcast with a short talk with Bree, then stepped through each song of her performance. After the show Mike spoke with the drummer, David Castello and a post show discussion with Bree before his recap and rating. Enjoy our 253rd podcast and/or read the written blog on the Bree Concert Review!
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